Corporate data of AXA PARTNERS companies in Italy
Assistance Business Unit
Insurance Company
Inter Partner Assistance S.A., Insurance and Reinsurance Company, headquartered in Brussels - 7, Boulevard du Régent, share capital €130,702,613, AXA Partners Group, is subject to the Supervisory Authorities in Brussels that oversee insurance:
- NBB (Banque Nationale de Belgique): regulator macroprudential
- FSMA (Autorités de surveillance des marches financiers): regulator microprudential.
General Representation for Italy - Via Carlo Pesenti 121 - 00156 Rome - Tel.06/42118.1
Ministerial Authorization n. 19662 of 19.10.1993
N. Enrolment in List I annexed to the Register of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies I.00014, which can be viewed at the following address.
Company Register of Rome RM - REA Number 792129 - Part. V.A. 04673941003 - Tax Code 03420940151
For information:
- Telephone: +39 06 42 118 1
- Sito internet:
- Website:
- Pec:
Inter Partner Assistance S.A. – Insurance and Reinsurance Company, in accordance with the provisions of Law No 124 of 4 August 2017, declares the existence of Aid registered on the National Register of State Aid (RNA).
You can freely consult the aid registered on the RNA by accessing the "Transparency" section of the Register:
Service Company
Inter Partner Assistance Services S.r.l. – Single-member company - Subject to the management and coordination of Inter Partner Assistance S.A. pursuant to art. 2497 bis of the Italian Civil Code 100% AXA Partners Holding S.A.] Registered Office Via Carlo Pesenti, 121 - 00156 Rome - Tel. (+39) 06 42115224 - Share Capital € 200,000 fully paid up - R.E.A. number of the C.C.I.A.A. of Rome: 1621324 - Registration with the Register of Companies of Rome, Tax Code and VAT No. 15895641007
CLP Business Unit
Insurance Company
AXA FRANCE VIE S.A. (insurance company of the AXA Group). Registered office address in France: 313 Terrasses de l'Arche, 92727 NANTERRE CEDEX. Nanterre Companies Register entry number: 310499959. Authorised in France (country of origin) to conduct insurance business, supervised in France by the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR). Registre des organismes d'assurance number: 5020051. Share capital €487,725,073 fully paid up.
The French company operates in Italy:
· THE RIGHT OF ESTABLISHMENT (Registered in the Register of insurance companies kept by IVASS, in appendix List I, no. I.00149) - Address General Representative Office for Italy: Corso Como n. 17, 20154 Milan - CF, VAT and Registration number. Reg. Imprese Milano 08875230016 - REA MI-2525395 - Telephone: 02/6737151 - Fax: 02-23331247 - E-mail: - PEC:
· THE FREEDOM TO PROVIDE SERVICES - Enrolled in the Register of Insurance Companies kept by IVASS, in Appendix List II, no. II.00022. Phone: +39 - E-mail:
AXA FRANCE IARD S.A. (insurance company of the AXA Group). Registered office address in France: 313 Terrasses de l'Arche, 92727 NANTERRE CEDEX. Nanterre Companies Register No.: 722057460. Authorised in France (country of origin) to conduct insurance business, supervised in France by the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR). Registre des organismes d'assurance number: 4022109. Share capital €214,799,030 fully paid up.
The French company operates in Italy:
· THE RIGHT OF ESTABLISHMENT (Registered in the Register of Insurance Companies kept by IVASS, in appendix List I, no. I.00148) - Address General Representative Office for Italy: Corso Como n. 17, 20154 Milan - CF, VAT and Registration No. Reg. Imprese Milano 10345000961 - REA MI-2525152 Telephone: 02/6737151 - Fax: 02-23331247 - E-mail: - PEC: - website:
· THE FREEDOM TO PROVIDE SERVICES - Enrolled in the Register of Insurance Companies kept by IVASS, in Appendix List II, no. II.00600. Telephone: +39 - E-mail:
Insurance intermediaries
AXA PARTNERS (AXA Group intermediary). Registered office address in France: 6, rue André Gide, 92320 Châtillon. Nanterre Companies Register entry number: 813778412.
The company operates in Italy THE RIGHT OF ESTABLISHMENT- Address Secondary office in Italy: Corso Como n. 17, 20154 Milan - CF, VAT and Reg. Reg. Imprese Milano 09851750969 - Telephone: 02/6737151 - Fax: 02-23331247 - PEC: - Website: Registered in the List of European Union Intermediaries kept by IVASS, no. UE00010131.