The ALL INCLUSIVE policy to have all-round protection. Customization of limits for each guarantee. Inclusion of pre-existing diseases, pandemics and epidemics.
Innovative guarantees and comprehensive coverage for all your customers' needs
Tripy is AXA Partners' website dedicated to travel agencies.
The website, completely renewed in its graphic design and with new features, will make it possible to better meet the expectations of the end customer, offering solutions that are increasingly appropriate with the demands of the market.
A 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Operational Center based in Italy, will ensure adequate support in case of any need.
Smart, Simple, Safe, Tailored
- Smart: a new graphic design and technology in step with the times.
- Simple: the intuitive and guided website allows even those who were not familiar with the previous platform to issue policies independently with just a few clicks. Simplified process also regarding the issuance of "Fuori Soglia" policies under the IDD.
- Secure: cybersecurity is increasingly a must. The new Tripy site allows agencies to never have to change passwords while maintaining a high level of security (Auth0 technology).
- Tailored: totally customizable in limits, guarantees and fees. The site was built from an analysis of Travel Agents' needs by enriching it with new features, products and guarantees.
- Simplicity of quoting: quickly compare different product premiums through new graphics
- e-Wallet: the ability for your clients to download AXA's e-Wallet to access and have with them at all times their travel documents, references of the agency that issued the policy, contacts/useful travel information, and the ability to contact the Operations Center directly 24/24. Teleconsultation and online claims reporting also coming soon
- Issuance of "Fuori Soglia IDD" Policies: further simplified process Cancellation of health policies independently allowed before departure
- Address-assisted search (via "Google Maps")
- Tax code verification system
- Modification of policies independently
- Issuing "Collective" policies
Products and guarantees
- "Sports" package protects your passion even while traveling with coverage for your sports equipment
- "Flight" package in case of cancellation refunds ground services
- "Top&Fly" policy the new low-cost product for packages or ticketing only
- Philippines
Philippinesmotorcycle accident hospitalization
costs 50,000 euro
- America
Americamedical plane
costs 180,000 euro
- Dubai
Dubaisurgery for femur fracture
costs 80,000 euro
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You are not yet registered and want to work with us?
Enter the Tripy website and click on "Register Agency".
To access the site click here.
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Are you a travel agent and interested in working with AXA Partners or do you want to discover the benefits of our policies?